BattleTech: Miniature Force Pack - Legendary Mechwarriors Pack III
Our high-quality, affordable, ready-to-play plastic miniatures ForcePacks are the heart and soul of BattleTech. Each re-imagined miniature retains the core of each 'Mech's identity grounded in the original artist expression and lore we all love, carefully updated with modern aesthetics.
- Six plastic miniatures
- Marauder (with 2 dorsal gun options)
- Warhammer
- Griffin
- Timberwolf
- Loki Mk II
- Marauder II
- Thirteen dry-erase cards (dual-sided)
- Six Alpha Strike cards
- Marauder Bounty Hunter 3015 / Marauder Bounty Hunter 3138
- WHM-9K Warhammer / WHM-6R Warhammer
- GRF-2N Griffin / Griffin C
- Mad Cat Bounty Gunter / Mad Cat S
- Loki Mk II Prime / Loki Mk II A
- Marauder II Bounty Hunter / MAD-8K Marauder II
- Six MechWarrior pilot cards
- Kyudo / Vic Travers
- Annie / Bounty Hunter (3014)
- Kendali Morris / Walt Urizeman
- Michi Fraser / Kolbitr
- Bounty Hunter (3151) / Jonathan Kamimori
- One "Legend of the Bounty Hunter" card
- Six Alpha Strike cards