BattleTech: Campaign Operations

$29.99 USD $39.99

4 reviews

Forge your forces and prepare to fight any battle across the Inner Sphere! Campaign Operations completes the core rulebook series begun in Total Warfare. While previous rulebooks detailed game play at various levels--from a single MechWarrior, to a BattleMech company, to entire armies--this final volume focuses on the forces a player will build and run through any level of play.

Campaign Operations contains rules for creating and running forces, whether a down-on-their-luck mercenary battalion, or a fully-supplied House regiment. The volume also contains complete rules for devising solar systems, allowing players to recreate existing star systems or craft all-new worlds to challenge each other. The final sections of the book bring several options to the table for campaign play. Building off of previous sections in Total Warfare and Strategic Operations, the Narrative Campaign, Map-Based Campaign and Chaos Campaign rules allow players to build exciting, fun campaigns of almost any stripe for their newly-minted forces!

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
As expected

Great stuff from fortress. Get your stuff with confidence!

Michael Cipponeri
Great Title, Amazing Retailer

The book is a comprehensive overview of running a unit/formation in BT or Alpha Strike. More important, Fortress Minis and Games is a fantastic retailer, with great discounts and customer service. If you are looking for this or any BT product you can’t go wrong here.

John Richert

Great rulebook for how to set up and operate your own command/unit in the battletech universe.

Patrick Quinn
A great book for any depth of campaign!

This book is excellent! Do you want to run a quick and dirty campaign with a few friends? They've got rules for that. Do you wonder what it would be like to command and manage an entire mercenary company during the Clan Invasion? They've got rules for that. Do you want to create a whole new solar system, completed with star, planets, and a small army to go along with it? They've got rules for that. Campaign Ops is as fun to flip through as it is useful for running a campaign, and it offers a ton of suggestions and optional rules as well. This one is definitely high on my recommended list!